Goal-based investing or or Goal-Driven Investing, often referred to as GBI, involves a financial planner, wealth manager or investment firm’s clients measuring their progress towards specific life (or investment) goals. Goals for GBI include investment goals, such as saving for your children’s education or building a retirement nest-egg, rather than focusing on generating the highest possible return for your investment portfolio or beating the stock market. Many of finStream TV’s free videos on GBI feature Tony Davidow, CIMA and author of the book: “Goals-Based Investing: A Visionary Framework for Wealth Management.” Davidow is also president of T. Davidow Consulting, an independent advisory firm focused on the needs and challenges facing the financial services industry.
The wealth management industry has undergone a major transformation over the last decade, including increased concerns and skepticism from investors, the growth of Robo-advisors, product evolution, and an evolving value proposition―in addition to geopolitical risks, increased correlation across asset classes, changing demographics, and social tensions.
Investing products have evolved significantly too, making it easier than ever for financial advisors and investors to access various segments of the market and unique asset classes. Goals-Based Investing examines product evolution and discusses how to use these tools to achieve your goals. To succeed in today’s complex, uncertain world of investing, you need go beyond plain vanilla stocks, bonds, and mutual funds and embrace the latest investing tools and techniques.
Watch these free finstream TV videos to learn more about Goals-based investing.